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How it started

Barrel House
Time that the Work takes: 
Project type : Reform of single-family house
Services offered :
Plans - Front plan of the house, on the left at the beginning of the work, and on the right its current state after 4 months.



Current progress


Bath House Barrel

The bathroom in the Barrel house was built over 3 months and has undergone this change. we have offered you design, innovation and solution services. 

Plan - Plan of the bathroom after a reform of 3 months and ... 

Cost - 

 3 months later


Kitchen House Barrel

The kitchen of the Barrel house was built over 8 weeks and has had this change. we have offered you design, innovation and solution services. 

Plan - Plan of the kitchen after a reform of ... 

cost -

8 weeks later

kitchen2 (2).JPG
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